Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Finding a Niche – Your Painting Style

"Boldly Exclaiming"

original acrylic modern landscape painting
$68 in My Yessy Store


Style, this is a broader term than you might imagine. Find a niche. I’m sure you have heard this term. They are one and the same. It does you no good to have a style that nobody wants. You can approach this in two different ways. As a beginning artist you have 2 choices. Either you paint whatever you want and then try to find a market for it. Or you experiment with different things, until you find something that starts to sell,then you run with it. This depends a lot on the skill level that you have. Are you a trained artist, or are you self taught? If you are a trained artist and have a body of work, maybe you can approach some Galleries right off the bat. If you are self taught, maybe not yet. The internet is a good place to experiment with selling your art. Juried art shows are also a good place to start, I will talk about art show at a later date.
Remember the term, finding your niche. You wouldn’t need to find your niche, if what you are already doing is your niche, now would you! I think experimenting with different styles of art is the way to go. Maybe you experiment with impressionist knife paintings, and find you have a knack for it. You will never discover that if you never try it. You may find that you really like a style that you didn’t think you would like. You may find a style in the process that is uniquely you.

1 comment:

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