Monday, June 1, 2009

Paint Like a recovering Alcoholic - Paint with Purpose

No, I am not making fun of Alcoholics. Their mantra is "One Day At A Time". We would all do well to live with that kind of mind set. Why worry about tomorrow, today has enough trouble to keep you busy. The past is done and gone. Just focus on one thing, today. Think about this when you paint, focus on one thing.
I have given a lot of suggestions. It's too much to digest all at once. When you set down to do a painting, plan to focus on one thing, and one thing only. On this painting the focus is going to be on, Texture, Lighting, creating a sense of depth, etc. Make it a simple goal. Then do your best to exaggerate it, to the best of your ability. If you focusing on (Values) lights and darks, then make the darks, darker than you ever have before. Push yourself, beyond your comfort zone. If you have a simple goal, you have a better chance of reaching a outcome that you are happy with.
If you focus on the whole painting, there are just too many things that you can be unhappy with.
"One Thing At A Time"

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